As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

Today, let me share a story with you that, after hearing it, you will definitely say, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” This story is about two friends who, when together, always find a solution to any problem. Both friends are sincere and true-hearted, and they believe that even God helps sincere individuals. In a village, there are two friends named Rohit and Roshan. They are very close friends who are always together.

In the same village, there was a boy named Nattu who was annoyed by the friendship of these two. Nattu, along with his three friends, often troubled Rohit and Roshan, creating difficulties for them.

Rohit and Roshan were returning from school when Nattu and his friends approached them.

Nattu: Let’s have some fun with these two today. They act like big friends; let’s see how strong their friendship really is. (Nattu speaking to his friends)

Nattu’s Friend: Yeah, Nattu, let’s do something that will test their friendship. But what should we do? Think, Nattu, think.

Nattu: Let’s invite them near the pond this evening.

Nattu’s Friend: Why near the pond, Nattu?

Nattu: Oh, you fools, that’s where the real fun will happen. First, I’ll call them there, and then I’ll tell you what to do. (Smirking mischievously)

Rohit: Roshan, make sure you come to the park on time to play. You always delay our games. (Jokingly in a slightly irritated tone) (Outside Roshan’s house)

Roshan: Okay, okay, I promise to be on time today. Let’s go, bye.

Nattu: Rohit, what are you up to this evening? (Calling out to Rohit)

Rohit: Nothing, what about you? (In an annoyed tone)

Nattu: Well, since you and your friend are such champions at playing, how about a game with us this evening? (In a challenging tone)

Rohit: Nattu, don’t challenge me. You know you always end up losing. (In a frustrated tone)

Nattu: This time, I will be the winner, mark my words.

Rohit: Alright, let’s meet in the evening and see what happens.

Nattu: Meet at the ground near the pond, not in the park, both of you.

Rohit: Fine. (Suddenly he remembers that he needs to inform Roshan.)

Rohit: Nattu, you have to tell Roshan where to meet today.

Nattu: Don’t worry, we’ll inform him. Just make sure you come on time, around 5 o’clock. (He says while adjusting his collar.)

Rohit: Okay Nattu, see you at 5 then.

Evening Time:

Nattu’s Friend: Roshan, Roshan! (Yells loudly in front of Roshan’s house) It’s 4 o’clock.

Roshan: What happened? (Comes out of the house)

Nattu’s Friend: Hurry up, Roshan, Rohit has fallen into the pond. (Nervously)

Roshan: Into the pond? (Surprised) When, how?

Nattu’s Friend: We don’t know how, but we were playing there, and we heard his voice. Nattu is there; you also come quickly.

Roshan: Yes, yes, let’s go quickly. (Worried and frightened)

Roshan and Nattu’s friend reach near the pond.

There is a loud noise coming from the pond (Help! Help!), and Nattu’s other friend near the pond is shouting, “Save! Save!”

Roshan: This doesn’t sound like Rohit, but someone definitely needs help. (Thinking to himself)

Roshan goes to the pond and sees no one there.

Roshan: Rohit, Nattu, where are you guys? (shouting loudly)

Suddenly, Roshan slips, and he starts falling, but Rohit grabs his hand just in time, saving him from falling into the pond.

On the other side, Nattu and his friends, who were quietly watching, also slip, and all of them fall into the water.

There is a frog sitting on top of Nattu, and their voices for help can be heard, “Save us!”

Rohit and Roshan, being kind-hearted, rescue them. However, later, Rohit says, “Nattu, you reap what you sow.”

Both sets of friends happily return home and sit together, reflecting on the incident.

From this story, we learn the lesson that we should never harm anyone.


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